Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I just realized that I never posted pictures of Halloween.  We went with the Meiss & Blunier families.  You would have thought we planned the kids' costumes, but it was a surprise when we showed up with all of the superheroes :-)  Ezra was a marathon runner, but once we put him in the stroller he never wanted to get out.

Captain America (Nohl), Spiderman (Moses), Ironman (Jack), Superman (Micah), Supergirl (Elle), & Spidergirl (Eliza) 

 The streets of Eureka were safe that night with the band of superheroes!

 Ezra being silly & Moses enjoying the outdoors.

The boys with Grandpa Dohner

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fun at the Park

Today we enjoyed the warmer weather & headed out to the park at Lake Eureka.  Moses didn't appreciate the windiness, but he pointed out to me that there was no mud-to his pleasure- at the park.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Coming in April. . .

Dohner baby #3 :-)

We're excited for our new baby to come this spring.  The due date is April 21, but Moses isn't so sure he wants a baby as his birthday gift :-)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Firefighter Moses

Moses is really into being a firefighter right now, thanks to his favorite Handy Manny episode (Manny becomes a volunteer "bombero").  We found a "helmet" at the second hand shop for five cents, & then we also found him some pants & boots at Target that he loves to wear.  Last week when I asked him, "What do firefighters do?"  His response, "Sing songs. . . drive. . . and fight fires!"  We checked-out some books from the library so he can get a better grasp on the duties of the "bomberos."

Ezra would rather eat sidewalk chalk than work like a firefighter :-)  He is becoming quite the artist on our concrete.  He continues to be crazy & out of control, which is shown in the bump, bruise, & scrape on his forehead & the red on his right cheek.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ezra at 15 Months

Ezra just had his 15 month check-up. He seems to be doing well physically~he's 32.5" long (83rd percentile), 23.75 lbs. (36th percentile), & his head is 49" (97th percentile).  Ezra is drooling like crazy & not too interested in talking much.  He has learned (from his big brother) that yelling, "MOM!" over & over gets my attention :-)

He is such a happy toddler, it is a lot of fun to listen to his belly laughs.  He still enjoys playing with any type of ball & also is learning how much fun it is to antagonize Moses.

Ezra loves "rough housing" & wants to get in on any type of action that he can!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Fun

We headed to Tipton Park yesterday to enjoy the spray park & playground.  We met Karmelle & kids there for a morning of fun.  It was a bit chilly, so the kids enjoyed the playground a bit more than the water.  Ezra did not appreciate the temperature of the water :-)

The older kids were arguing over the two fire hydrant toys~ a popular attraction as one could spray others with a potential of not getting wet themselves :-)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Ezra!

Ezra enjoyed his first birthday party with lots of family & friends.  He received many cool gifts & enjoyed being the center of attention.

Today, Ezra had his 12 month well baby check-up appt.  He was 30.5" long (70th percentile) & weighed 20 lbs. 13 oz (20th percentile).  He's a sick little boy, with a fever, a cold in his left eye & ears that are infected.  To make matters worse, Ezra had to have blood drawn to check his blood for lead (darn this old house!) & he needed three shots as well.  Since the appointment, we've had one crabby baby!  Hoping he can sleep the crabbiness away this afternoon.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ezra at 11 months

 Here are a few pictures from the past month.  Ezra's favorite word is ball--he also likes da da & ma ma.  If you notice the wet shirt front, that would be signs of Ezra teething. He has 6 teeth plus 2 more that are ready to break through at any moment.  One bad thing about drooling & hardwood floors:  Ezra slips on his drool spots while crawling about.  He even has a little scrape on his chin from a fall!  On average, Ezra will still take three naps a day.  We're still working on the whole walking thing.  Maybe by his first birthday, but we'll see :-)

Ezra & Great-Grandpa

Moses loves to help me shop.

Enjoying cupcakes for Elle's birthday!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Moses!

We had a lot of fun celebrating Moses's 3rd birthday multiple times in the past couple of weeks.  He is one spoiled boy! 

We went on a birthday campout on his actual birthday (April 21).  It was a Luke/Meiss gathering to celebrate the next generation of birthdays.  Growing up, my family spent a lot of time with the Luke family & we hope that continues as the years go by.  Moses shares a birthday with Miles (he turned 5) & the rest of the kids have birthdays within 6 weeks of each other.
 Megan was kind enough to supply the birthday pinata & all of the goodies inside.

Here, Moses & Eli are checking out the birthday cake which was to celebrate all of the birthdays.

The line-up:  Ezra (10 months), Eli (2), Moses (3), Eliza (4), Miles (5), & Micah (6)
Here is an interview with our 3 year old:
What is your favorite--
Color?  Blue
Toy?  Sheriff Woody
Fruit? Apples
TV show? Dora the Explorer
Movie? Toy Story 2
Thing to wear? A jacket, the green one.
Animal? A cow
Song? Diego song
Book? Toy Story 3
Snack? Animal crackers
Drink? Juice
Breakfast? Pop tart
Lunch? Grilled cheese
Dinner? Meat & A-1
Game? Bad monkeys (he means Temple Run. . . Aaron is addicted to it right now)
Thing to play outside? Football
Holiday? My birthday
Who is your best friend? Micah
What do you sleep with at night? My blanket
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to wear a hat & a costume when I go camping!  (We're pretty sure that he doesn't understand the last question :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Break 2012

This year for Aaron's Spring Break we were able to take a trip to St. Louis and spend some time with Aaron's sisters Dawn & Dianne (& her family) & his mom.

Brielle & Moses enjoying Aunt Dawn

Brielle showing off her walking skills :-)

Ezra, with his curl mohawk
Moses & Aaron at the STL Zoo
It was a great trip. . . until our two fiascoes on the way home. First we ran out of gas between Tremont & Morton & then once that was over when we were 10 min. from home Moses got car sick. No fun! But we made it home safe & sound :-)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Ten Months for Ezra

Here are a few pictures of Ezra at 10 months. Today, he stood on his own for about 10-15 seconds. He's pretty cautious, but is getting braver each day. Recently, he started laughing through his nose, which makes me laugh every time.


Ezra hates grass, just like his mother!!!

Moses trying to convince Great-Grandma to share her caramel popcorn :-)