Wednesday, February 24, 2010

59 years!

Sunday we celebrated Grandma & Grandpa Meiss's 59th wedding anniversary. Fifty-nine years. . how crazy! We tried to get a picture of the Great-grandkids with Grandma & Grandpa, but it didn't quite turn out right.

Micah tried to play "catch" with Moses. He doesn't have as much patience as Aaron & I do :-)

Great-grandma was a little shocked when Moses gave her one of his famous open mouth kisses (those who know her, know that she is a germ-a-phobe, so that makes it even funnier).

I was told that I should wait until Moses was 10 months to give him spinach. I was so excited for him, since it is one of my favorite vegetables. As you can see from the picture, he did not share my enthusiasm for the spinach! I'll keep trying :-)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

10 Months

Moses is beginning his 10th month of life. His personality is definitely showing: ornery grins, temper tantrums, laughing loudly when we "get him," and a bit of stubbornness. Moses has been fighting various colds and even had a double ear infection this past month. He's drooling like crazy working on more teeth (if that's possible!). He hasn't been too interested in walking on his own yet, but he cruises around using furniture, legs, or the wall.

We've enjoyed visits from Grandpa Dohner, Aunt Dawn, Uncle Zach, and Great-Aunt Marilyn & Great-Uncle Garry these past few weeks. Basketball season is winding down, and Moses has been a trooper! I have to laugh on game nights when I'm putting him to bed a couple hours later than normal he lunges for his crib. Poor kid.

Moses loves to play with his farm from Grandpa Dohner. He knew right away how to work the chicken and the eggs. I guess he's just a natural :-)

I thought I'd include a picture of whiny, sick Moses. Reality check: he's not always a happy, smiley baby :-)

In the video, I was trying to show his favorite skill: making spit bubbles. When he started doing this about a week ago, I thought for sure it was on accident. Although I'm sure it wasn't on purpose to begin with, it is now a staple during his day. He even does the exact same "mmmmuhhm" sound each time. It makes us laugh.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Kiss

A few weeks ago, we thought Moses had mastered the art of the wave. Since then, he has regressed and refuses to say "hi" and "bye" on command. It worries me a bit, but I'm sure it's just his stubbornness. Moses has a new skill (I am trying not to say "trick" as that makes him sound like a dog!). He will give kisses when asked. He'll even stop a tantrum to do it when asked. I'm sure the novelty of the kiss will end soon, but I'm loving it right now as only a mother could (if you watch the video, you'll understand what I mean!).