Monday, April 25, 2011

Birthday Parties & Easter

Moses was able to celebrate his birthday multiple times the past few days. The first one was a combined gathering for his and Eliza's birthday at my parents house.

Grandma made yummy cupcakes in the shape of a bear!

This weekend we were able to spend time with Aaron's family to celebrate both Moses's birthday and Easter. Let me tell you, we have one spoiled boy on our hands!

We didn't get many pictures from the cook-out at Grandpa Dohner's, mostly video. Above, Moses is eating his birthday brownie with the the Fillingham girls.

Moses is hunting Easter eggs with some Schisler cousins.

Blowing out his candles on his Elmo cake and enjoying the new swing set at Grandma Dohner's house.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Moses!

Today is Moses's second birthday. It was a fun filled day! Due to no nap yesterday and a late night, Moses slept in until 9:00 this morning. I guess it was his gift to us :-)

He opened his first birthday gift from us. . . a band in a box! He was playing in the band all afternoon and evening. I think we have a musician on our hands.

We met Jack & Elle, Livey & Jude (& their lovely mothers) at Five Points for toddler swim time. Moses enjoyed swimming and talked about it the rest of the day.

Before dinner Moses opened his second gift from us. . . Toy Story 3 dish & silverware set. I made him the meal he always asks for "french fries and eggs." He also loves his new shirt from Micah and Eliza that he wore today.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cousin Brielle

Our family had the chance to take a trip to Carl Junction, MO, to visit Aunt Dianne, Uncle Cody, and Cousin Brielle. It was Moses's first time meeting Brielle. He wasn't too concerned with her, until I wanted to hold and play with her. Then he was very interested in her. It was really fun getting to hang out with the Stinnett family. We're excited to see them again when they come to Illinois.

We are so thankful for family!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Visit to Frazier Prep Academy

Last week my dear friend Emily, my mom, and I had the opportunity to enjoy Chicago for a couple of days. Before we got down to exploring our new favorite shops, we made a quick trip to visit Mr. Meiss's kindergarten class at Frazier Prep. It was fun to see my little brother in action and meet his students.

Mr. Meiss conducting the math meeting (above). In the picture below you may notice a few boys wearing ties. . . a reward in Zach's class for good behavior :-)