Hard to believe that Ezra is already three months old! He loves to be social and gives out smiles more & more each day. My grandma has made the same comment a few times about how once a baby starts smiling he's more like a real person, not so blah. I think she may be saying that she likes to see the baby's personality, so she's been very happy to see Ezra smiling more.

Apparently, having ears that stick out is a Meiss gene. My grandma told me that she use to push my dad's ears back so that they would lay flat because they stuck out so far. Then she reassured me that Ezra's ears "aren't that bad."

We love to make Ezra laugh. Moses thinks all he needs to do is command it, so he'll just start saying, "Laugh, Ezra!" He gets a little bent out of shape if Ezra doesn't do as he is told.
The next two pictures are of Moses at three months. People ask if the boys look alike. I think they do sometimes, but for the most part they are pretty different.

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