It's hard to believe that six weeks have already gone by since Ezra's birth. It also means that six weeks of summer have flown by as well!

We're working on a "social" smile and it looks like he almost has one here!
We see this snarl quite regularly!

This year, I was asked to help organize Vacation Bible School at our church. Emily was the one heading it up and my mom & I helped out where we could. The theme was "Big Apple Adventure" and the setting was New York City. We just ended the week with an average of 80 kids a night, which I would say was a success! Here are a few pictures from the week:

Music time was a favorite with the upbeat songs & fun dances!

Crafts and snacks

We took pictures of the individual classes. Somehow, Moses (not old enough for VBS) snuck into the 3 & 4 year olds' picture. He thought he was a part of the group with Eliza, Elle,& Jude :-) After this, he was in the nursery playing with Livey & Caleb.

Missions time focused on missionaries working in big cities--very cool!

The organizing crew (& Ezra)
Ezra is so awake!