Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good Times at Good Old Days

Here are a few pictures from our cookout and firework showing at my Uncle Gary & Aunt Ann's house during Stanford's "Good Old Days" festival.

My cousin Joe, his wife Cassidy, and their 11 day old baby Juliet

Micah and Moses posing for the camera.

The grandkids had Grandpa running all over the yard chasing lightning bugs.

Waiting patiently for the show.

Beautiful fireworks!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ezra at Six Weeks

It's hard to believe that six weeks have already gone by since Ezra's birth. It also means that six weeks of summer have flown by as well!

We're working on a "social" smile and it looks like he almost has one here!

We see this snarl quite regularly!

This year, I was asked to help organize Vacation Bible School at our church. Emily was the one heading it up and my mom & I helped out where we could. The theme was "Big Apple Adventure" and the setting was New York City. We just ended the week with an average of 80 kids a night, which I would say was a success! Here are a few pictures from the week:

Music time was a favorite with the upbeat songs & fun dances!

Crafts and snacks

We took pictures of the individual classes. Somehow, Moses (not old enough for VBS) snuck into the 3 & 4 year olds' picture. He thought he was a part of the group with Eliza, Elle,& Jude :-) After this, he was in the nursery playing with Livey & Caleb.

Missions time focused on missionaries working in big cities--very cool!

The organizing crew (& Ezra)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer F-U-N!

After being confined to the house for the month of June with a newborn, we have been making the most of July. We started the month off with Ezra's first trip to Ipava and to celebrate the Fourth of July.

Brielle is checking out her cousin Ezra.

Moses enjoyed swimming in Aunt Martha & Uncle Lee's pool with Katie, Renney, & Riley.

Grandma Dohner with Ezra.

Moses & Brielle just chillin' while watching Sesame Street.

As we've ventured out nearly every day, Ezra has been a trooper! This is usually what he does as we're out & about:

My parents fixed up our old playhouse for the grandkids. Moses needs a bit of help going up and down the ladder, but they all think it's pretty cool.
Growing up, we had many adventures and club meetings up there. It will be neat to see how the next generation uses it.

The past couple weeks we've been "swimming" many different times. We've played in Grandma Meiss's pool, at a sprayground, and at Morton & El Paso's pools.

Moses loves his goggles, but we're not sure how much he can actually see :-)

Friday, July 8, 2011

A couple of weeks ago, Moses stayed at Grandma Dohner's house all by himself! He was one busy (& spoiled) little boy. Here are a few things that Grandma did with Moses:

Moses taking a walk in the wagon and enjoying the swing with Aunt Amy

Two activities that Moses loves: swimming & helping

While Moses was enjoying Ipava, Ezra had the chance to meet his Uncle Zach and spend some quality time with him.