Moses passed the 9 month milestone on Thursday. He's 3/4 of a year old and growing so quickly! Well, I think he's growing, but according to the doctor's office he's shrinking. The nurse measured him at 27" in October and on Wednesday Moses was measured at 26.25" Aaron told me to chill out about the measurements, but it would be nice to know! He weighed 19.25 lbs, which is accurate. Obviously, the doctor wasn't too concerned since he didn't even comment on Moses's stats.
Moses is enjoying making loads of noises with his tongue. He continues to crawl and pull himself up on anything that will hold his weight. This past week he showed me his desire for independence (or maybe stubbornness?): He was trying to grab a ball (one handed) out of a toy basket and he couldn't quite get it. I thought, "He made a good effort, I'll help him out." I reached for the ball and as I did, he hit my hand, looked away, and pretended to be uninterested in the ball. So, I let go of it and watched him turn back to the ball and proceed to cup it between his fingers and wrist and pull it out. Really, Moses? I just had to laugh.
Here are some pictures. I somehow messed up with the sizes and can't figure out how to put it back. Sorry!

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