Moses is now 8 months old! He seems to be learning new things every day. His eighth tooth finally came in this past week (he's been working on that one for about a month!). Slowly, but surely, he is figuring out the whole "waving" business. I tried to weigh him on our scale. It looks like he's around 19 lbs, so he's a solid boy. This weekend, we were able to finally meet Olivia Susan Hepp (8 weeks old). She's so adorable, Jen & Bryan! Jen is one of my cousins on my mom's side. She & Bryan work for Campus Crusade for Christ in Kansas City, so this is the first time Olivia has travelled to Illinois.
Moses loves to "play" with the baby in the mirror at my parents' house. Yes, he is laughing at the "other baby" & licking the "other baby" in the pictures below. It is just hilarious! Sorry, mom, I think those mirrors may have a few handprints on them now :-)
the 'other baby' in the mirror is SO CUTE too!!