Moses turned 6 months last week. Hard to believe that it has already been six months! At his doctor's appt., he was 16 lbs (25th percentile) and 27 inches (70th percentile). It is so amazing how much he is growing and learning each day. He thinks he's big stuff sitting up by himself, eating cereal, and trying to stand up on his own. Teething is a continuous process! Moses is now working on his 6th tooth! Last week, Aaron & I noticed him grinding his teeth. It sounds horrible, but maybe it relieves some pain?

Here are a couple pictures of Moses with his friend Jack Blunier. Looks like they are having fun together. Lizzie watches Moses on Thursday mornings while mom attends a bible study (a baby-sitter for the baby-sitter? No wait. . . my mom doesn't need a baby-sitter. . .)
Looks like either Moses or Jack told a really funny joke.