Although it was bitter cold outside, we managed to make a trip to the doctor's office for Hadassah's nine month well check-up. No shots this time, which is always a positive! She is 29.5" long (90th percentile), weighs 16 lbs 3 oz (8th percentile) & her head was in the 80th percentile. The doctor was again a bit concerned with the discrepancy between her height & weight. We had a conversation about her eating habits & he concluded that it might just be her body type. She has 8 teeth already & is working on more, chewing & drooling & chewing some more.
Hadassah's new favorite face to make. She curls her lip & wiggles her nose. It's hilarious to watch.
The boys enjoy splashing around with Hadassah in the bath.
The boys are also having so much fun with basketball season in full swing. They love every bit of it: going to practices, eating team meals, watching the games, & being one of "the guys".