Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just a couple of pics because I think my kids are pretty cute and quite amusing!

Ezra talking, smiling, and enjoying the attention.

Moses didn't understand why he couldn't wear Eliza's swimsuit to the beach. Maybe we should have let him to get rid of those tan lines!

Asleep after a rough day at the park.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ezra at Two Months

Ezra had his two month well check-up this week. This dr.'s visit came with three shots, which Ezra handled very well! The doctor didn't have a solution to Ezra's extreme gasiness. The first time he smiled at us, we were on vacation and since then he likes to smile when he's not grunting (poor kid!).

Ezra weighs 12 lbs. and measured 23.5 inches long. This is in the 40th -50th percentile, so he is just your average guy. His head circumference is in the 70th percentile.

We're still waking up two times each night (usually 1 and 4ish), but I'm not sure he wants to eat both times. A lot of times he's bothered by gas. Once that is relieved, he's good. Overall, Ezra is a pretty good baby. I guess we'll keep him :-)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Vacation 2011

Here are a few pictures of our Meiss family vacation to Holland, MI.

Ezra in the shade, while Uncle Zach catches some rays.

Gifts from grandma!

Playing Monopoly

Eliza was a good helper with Ezra.

Moses would only go in the water if someone was holding him. He preferred either Grandpa, Grandma, or me. For some reason, he didn't trust his father. . .

Dancing to VBS songs.

Running down the dune. Aaron only dragged Moses for a second or two.

Moses was at the water's edge by the end of the week.