"I love you, dad!"
Okay, okay, so maybe I'm a little crazy, but I would like to have accurate measurements for my child! Aaron has told me numerous times to chill out about the whole height/weight/head size thing, but I just want to know for future reference! Is that so horrible?
With that said, Moses was measured at 29" which is in the 25th percentile for his age. It just makes me wonder because nearly everyone tells me he looks long. Is it just an optical illusion or does the pediatric nurse have problems measuring Moses? Yesterday, we try to compare his height to our dear Finn, who was measured at 30" recently. From what we could see, Moses was at least the same size. . .but in the end, I do realize it doesn't really matter. . .
Moses weighed 22 lbs 3 oz. This is in the 40th percentile. I can't imagine him being any heavier. I have problems holding him for an extended period of time now!
I'm not sure the measurement of Moses's head, but that is in the 95th percentile. I'm not really surprised. Let's hope he'll grow into that big noggin sooner rather than later :-)
Moses is still too cautious to start walking. He is standing on his own for longer periods of time and using whatever he can as a walker. He'll even use chairs on wheels if that will get him to where he wants to go.

The only other update I have are his teeth. He has been all out of sorts the past week. Chewing and drooling, drooling and chewing with a lot of whining! I have noticed one more tooth in and another is nearly poking through. That makes 13 & 14. For his sake, I hope the pain is over soon.