The eleventh month mark has come for Moses. He continues to be joy to us. Aaron and I are learning that things Moses does that we think are brilliant are actually quite normal for an eleven month old. And other things that we may assume are "normal" are not! We sit, watch him and think, "this kid is smart," while he takes Aaron's keys and tries to reach up and put them in the doorknob. Then, we are snapped back into reality with conversations like this:
Emily: "Oh, Moses, you are so funny! What is that noise?"
Me: "What noise?"
Emily: "That one!"
Me: "Wait, you mean Livey doesn't make a really loud 'DOI, DOI, DOI' sound all of the time?"
Emily: "Nope, I think I can say that I've never heard that noise from a baby before."
I guess that's what you get when you're a first time parent :-)
Moses refuses to walk. He gets noodle legs when we try to have him stand on his own. He absolutely LOVES walking with the push toy. He thinks he's pretty big stuff.
We also have another tooth to report. After popping out eight teeth, Moses took a couple months break. That all changed a week & a half ago. Moses cut his first molar. Poor kid is in quite a bit of pain.